Cylinder Propane Refill in Elkins, WV

Choose Cuptane LP Gas for Cylinder Propane Refill in the Elkins, WV, Area

Cylinder Propane Refills:

We refill cylinders at our Elkins office 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and 9:00 am – Noon (12 pm) Saturday, except when cylinder filling technician takes lunch from 12-12:30p.
We sell cylinder gas by the pound. One gallon of propane weighs 4.24 pounds. Hence, cents per pound x 4.24 equals dollars per gallon of cylinder gas. There is more labor involved in cylinders and less gallons sold. Gas is more expensive by the pound.
If your cylinder is not completely empty, tell our worker. We will weigh the tank and charge you only for the gas required to fill the tank. If you do not tell us and we do not notice gas in the tank, you will have to pay for a full tank.

Our 100-pound Tank Service:

We deliver and hook up 100-pound tanks free of charge in our delivery area. You must have a contract with us. We deliver a full tank and pick up the empty tank. These tanks must be filled at our office. We only deliver our leased tanks or customer-owned tanks if you sign an agreement to trade tanks. You will never get your original tank bank. One-hundred-pounds tanks hold 23.6 to 23.9 gallons of gas.

How to tell how much gas is left in your tank:

It is simple! Weigh the tank and subtract the tare weight (TW) of the empty tank, which you’ll find on the side of the tank. The tare weight of most gas grill cylinders is 18 pounds.

Example: If you put the gas grill tank on a bathroom scale and it weighs 25 pounds, subtract the 18-pound tare weight from 25, and you have 7 pounds of gas left. Of course, this is only as accurate as the scale you use.

OPD Valves

We require all cylinders 40 pounds and under to have an OPD valve. OPD stands for overfill protection device. This means there is a mechanism to stop filling once the tank is full, so as not to overfill it. Tanks over 40 pounds are not required to have them; 100-pound tanks do not require an OPD valve. An OPD valve has a triangle-shaped valve with the letters OPD.

Hauling Cylinders

Tanks 40 pounds and lower can be hauled in passenger compartments of vehicles. Any tank over 40 pounds may not be hauled in passenger compartments. We will not load or fill a 100-pound tank that a customer hauls in a passenger compartment. We offer free delivery in our delivery area, but it may take a few days.