Cuptane LP Gas in Elkins, West Virginia

Bulk and Cylinder Services: We Refill Small Propane Tanks!
For Campers and Grills – Tanks up to 100 Pounds
Our Office: 239 Glenmore Loop Rd., just off US-219/US-250 S. We share the parking lot with Cupp’s Furniture.
Business Hours: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday
9:00 am – Noon (12 pm) Saturday
Phone: (304) 636-7006; Fax: 304-636-7031
Emergency “After Hours” Contact: Harry Cupp 304-940-5021
Mailing Address: Cuptane LP Gas
239 Glenmore Loop Rd.
Elkins, WV 26241
Make Checks Payable to: Cuptane LP Gas Co.
We Accept: Cash, Checks, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. We can take card payments over the phone.
We Offer: Bulk and Cylinder LP Gas Service. Bulk tanks are long tanks permanently set in a yard, primarily for heating. Cylinders are the smaller, canister-type tanks used for gas grills, campers, and other uses.
Cylinder Refills
We refill cylinders at our office during business hours, except during the time our cylinder filling technician takes a 30-minute lunch daily.
Filling of Camper & Grill Cylinders
LP Propane Gas
Propane Tank Service
And More!
Cuptane LP Gas is a family-owned company that has sold LP gas in this area for 80 years. We have over 4,000 customers in ten counties of Central West Virginia. We are the only company in the area to have the light gray tanks. There are some old, silver tanks that belong to other companies, but not many. If you see one of our tanks in a friend or acquaintance’s yard, ask them about us!
Our prices are available upon request. In addition, we post prices in our office and refilling areas, as required by law. All taxes on LP gas are included in the price, as the law requires.
Delivery Area
Our deliveries extend 30-50 miles from our Elkins office.
Personal Response
When you call our office during business hours, you will always speak to a person. You don’t have time to wait for someone to return a voicemail!